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Knitted Carrot Knitting Pattern

Knitted Carrot

  • Difficulty


  • designer


    Áine Marriott

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size

    US 4 / 3.5mm

  • Needle Type

    Needle Type


  • Techniques


    Basic Shaping, knit, Stocking Stitch

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What you need to know

Create knitted vegetables with simple stitches

These not-so-crunchy carrots designed by Áine Marriot are knitted almost entirely in reverse stocking stitch (meaning the purl side is the right side) with a bit of simple shaping along the way for a smooth, tapered look. Just make sure you count your stitches when you increase and decrease. This fun project is sure to tempt a certain chocolate-giving bunny, so why not knit these up to leave out on Easter Sunday?

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

Watch to learn

Brush up on the skills needed for this pattern with this tutorial.

Techniques: Basic Shaping, knit, Stocking Stitch

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