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Baby blanket Knitting Pattern

Baby blanket

  • Difficulty


  • Yarn Type

    Yarn Type

    DK / 8 ply

  • designer


    Helen Ardley

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size

    US 5 / 3.75mm, US 6 / 4.0mm

  • Needle Type

    Needle Type

    Straight, Cable Needle

  • Techniques


    Cables, Garter , knit

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What you need to know

Cuddlesis a cosy baby blanket with a pretty cabled design

Designed by Helen Ardley, this sweet blanket is perfect for tucking your little one up ready for a stroll around the park. Cuddles is classy and chic in appearance, not to mention practical and easy-care. A good quality blanket is essential in these chilly months, and Cuddles will provide every ounce of warmth, comfort, and safety that your baby needs. And who knows? It might become a family heirloom passed down through generations.

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

Watch to learn

Brush up on the skills needed for this pattern with this tutorial.

Techniques: Cables, Garter , knit, Purl

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