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Stripy Button-Up Baby Cardigan Knitting Pattern Knitting Pattern

Stripy Button-Up Baby Cardigan Knitting Pattern

  • Difficulty


  • Yarn Type

    Yarn Type

    DK / 8 ply

  • designer


    Zoë Halstead

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size

    US 3 / 3.25mm, US 6 / 4.0mm

  • Needle Type

    Needle Type


  • Techniques


    Moss, Stocking Stitch

Download pattern

What you need to know

Discover how to knit perfect buttonholes with Zoe Halstead's stripy baby cardigan knitting pattern for ages 6-12 month

Once you know how to knit and purl and you’ve mastered some simple shaping techniques, you are ready to embark on your first knitted garment, and this is the perfect beginner's cardigan! Baby garments are perfect if you’re new to the wardrobe world as they’re a bit smaller than the adult variety. Once completed, you’ll have learnt a bunch of new stitches and techniques, including creating buttonholes, using stitch holders and more complex increasing and decreasing.

What do I need?

Yarn, DK: pink, orange, white, green, blue, yellow, 25g of each
Needles: 3.25mm, 4mm


To fit: 6-12 months approximately
To fit chest: 46cm
Actual size: 54cm approximately
Length: 28cm approximately
Sleeve length: 15cm approximately

Special abbreviations

Make one: make a stitch by picking up the horizontal bar in between this stitch and the next and working into the back of it.

psso: pass slipped stitch over.

skpo: slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over.

yfwd: yarn forward, bring the yarn to the front and knit the next stitch in the normal way.

kfb: knit front and back, knit the stitch as normal but without sliding it off the needle, then slip the needle into the back of the st behind the left-hand needle, and knit.

moss st: knit 1, purl 1.

Meet the designer

Author Zoë Halstead specialises in knitting and needlepoint. She has most recently worked as a consultant for DMC but has been a knitting designer for over 15 years. If you enjoyed making her pattern, why not download this baby onesie next? You can view more of Zoë's designs here.

How to access this pattern

This pattern is available to Let’s Knit Together Members. Memberships start from as little as £4.99 a month (when paid annually) and you will gain access not only to this pattern, but 3,000+ more knitting and crochet patterns to keep you inspired and casting on all year round. Join our friendly community of knitters and crochet enthusiasts today.

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

Watch to learn

Brush up on the skills needed for this pattern with this tutorial.

Techniques: Moss, Stocking Stitch

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