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Rose and Leaf Headband Knitting Pattern

Rose and Leaf Headband

  • Difficulty


  • Yarn Type

    Yarn Type

    Aran / Worsted

  • designer


    Charmaine Fletcher

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size

    US 5 / 3.75mm, US 6 / 4.0mm

  • Needle Type

    Needle Type


  • Techniques


    Basic Shaping, Garter , Stocking Stitch

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What you need to know

Stay warm with Charmaine Fletcher’s pretty headband

If you find that a woolly hat is sometimes just too much, but you still want to keep your ears warm – and haven’t worn earmuffs since you were five – then a cosy headband is just the ticket. This one features a lovely raised leaf effect, which perfectly complements the pretty rose embellishment. You’ll get to try double yarn forwards, left and right leaning increases, plus a clever twist effect when making the flower. Enjoy!

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

Watch to learn

Brush up on the skills needed for this pattern with this tutorial.

Techniques: Basic Shaping, Garter , Stocking Stitch

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