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Exciting news for all crochet enthusiasts! Top Crochet Patterns has joined the Let’s Knit Together family and you can now access over 750 beautiful crochet patterns alongside over 3,000 knitting patterns as part of your membership. You can explore our full range of diverse crochet patterns here:
Join our 3-Part Christmas Skittles Crochet-Along!
Christmas just isn’t Christmas without games. You stuff yourself silly, watch the Queen’s speech, then… anyone for Uno? Monopoly? Well, we thoroughly recommend that you add a handmade touch to proceedings this year. We’ll be sharing six skittle patterns, plus a stripy ball so you and yours can gleefully knock them down. In this first part, there’s a classic Father Christmas and his beloved wife. Both use basic stitches and simple shaping, so they’re lovely patterns to take on. Half trebles are used to create the scalloped shaping on the beard and apron, and you’ll be making bobbles for the noses. If you love our crochet series, make sure you check out our crochet-along archive. Happy making!
You can find Parts 2 & 3 here:
Part 2
Part 3
Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.
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