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Top 7 ideas for honeycomb stitch

Top 7 ideas for honeycomb stitch

Are you the bees’ knees? Try your hand at honeycomb stitch with one of these great knits!

1. Let’s Knit knitalong blanket

Our very first knitalong includes a pattern for a honeycomb square. Get your latest issue now!

2. Cute fingerless mittens

Sure to brighten up any dull old winter day. (Get the free pattern by Laura Eccleston on Ravelry)

3. Terrific turquoise scarf

Is it a shawl, a wrap, a scarf…? It’s all three! (Free pattern available on Red Heart)

4. Classic cowl

Perfect for keeping warm against the winter chill. (Get the pattern by Davina Choy for free on Ravelry)

5. Sweet honey sweater

Because now Christmas is over you definitely need a new project to keep you busy. (Another free pattern, this time from Pickles)

6. Honeycomb jumper

Too pretty – it certainly reminds us summer isn’t as far away as we think. (To find out more, have a look at Schachenmayr)

7. Handsome honeycomb and moss stitch dog sweater

Because we can’t be greedy and keep all the knitwear to ourselves! (Buy yours from GlobalKnitandSew on Etsy)

Have you ever made something using honeycomb stitch? We’d love to see – let us know on Twitter and Facebook!

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