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Charity Week: Knit For Peace

Charity Week: Knit For Peace

Knit for Peace believes that knitting (and crochet) is good for people. As well as being fun and therapeutic, knitting brings people together and gives a way of helping others in need, providing benefits both to the knitter and the recipient. The team distributes knitted projects regularly to over 200 outlets, including hospitals, women’s refuges, refugee drop-in centres, prisons, community groups, and hospices as well as to developing countries and refugee camps. All you need to do is send them your knitting and they’ll take it to a good home! You can find a selection of patterns on the website, or you can use any pattern that takes your fancy.

Have you made anything for Knit For Peace? Share it with us on the Let’s Knit Together private Facebook group, everyone would love to see!

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