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Charity Week: Innocent Big Knit

Charity Week: Innocent Big Knit

You’ve most certainly seen these cute little bobble hats on your weekly shop, and now’s your chance to do your bit for the innocent Big Knit campaign! It’s simple, all you need to do is grab some wool, your knitting needles and a comfy chair, then knit as many little hats as you like! Once you’re done, send them off to innocent at the address here, or alternatively pop them into your local Age UK store. For every bottle sold, 25p will be donated to Age UK, and the money raised will help fund things like lunches and classes at local Age UK centres. The next Big Knit is already being planned and is likely to be in Autumn 2021, so start knitting now and you’ll have plenty ready by then!

You can find a huge selection of patterns on the innocent website or we’ve got a few choices for you, too!

Have you made any hats for the innocent Big Knit campaigns in the past? We’d love to see them all. If you’re a member, share them with the Let’s Knit Together community on the private Facebook group.

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