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knitting patterns?

Can we help?

Can we help?

Please feel free to have a read through of these frequently asked questions to see if this can help solve your problem.

I have a question about a free yarn kit?
Please let us know your postal address, along with what it is you need and we will help you as soon as we can. Remember, we can only help with yarn kits that were with Let’s Knit magazine.

I have a pattern query, can you help?
We have a list of pattern updates, tips, clarifications and corrections here. Just click on the relevant issue to see if there is one for your pattern. If you need help with a technique, take a look at our video tutorials here.

When I try to register, it tells me my email address is not valid - what do I do?
This means you are already on our database. You can request a new password here.

It’s not accepting my username and/or password?
Both of these are case sensitive so make sure you are typing them in correctly. If it still doesn’t work, request a new password following the link above.

I’ve not received my activation email?
Have you checked your spam/junk folder? Sometimes our emails go into there by accident. It might help to add ‘letsknit.co.uk’ to your safe senders list.

I can’t find the pattern I’m looking for?
At the top of the page is a box marked ‘search’ with a picture of a magnifying glass. If you type in the name of the pattern or types of pattern, e.g. Bernard or doll, the results will come up.

The link is not working?
Try refreshing the page or use different internet browser.

What is a zip file and how do I open it?
A zip file is used to compress files to make the download quicker. Some computers have built-in programmes to allow you to extract the files, but if you don’t have this, just do an internet search for “free zip file software” and download one. It doesn’t take very long and is really useful when you want to send or receive large files.

If you have any other questions or need further help, we will respond as soon as we can. Please direct registration, activation and logging in queries to webmaster@letsknit.co.uk

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