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Astroknitters: Libra (23rd September – 22nd October)

Astroknitters: Libra (23rd September – 22nd October)

Libra is symbolised by a pair of scales. Librans search for balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives but this means they can sometimes be less than decisive. Illustration: Julie Anson

You love to knit…
...and will try anything once! You like to keep your options open, which means you might start knitting a pair of mittens but find that you can’t help starting a cushion cover after seeing the perfect yarn when you were passing by a knitting shop the other weekend. You have to be careful in yarn shops as your Libran indecision can lead you to buy the same yarn in four different shades because you just can’t bear the thought of choosing the wrong colour!

Your love of colour, yarn and patterns means an ongoing selection of UFOs are available around the house, in your car and at work. You prefer to think of UFOs as “concurrent projects” and have tried to explain this way of working to your “one knit at a time” friends as a valid and rewarding way of knitting. It’s the knitting you love, not necessarily the finished object. You never get bored because you rarely knit ten rows of the same project in one go as you merrily flit from cardigan to iPod cover with barely a backward glance.

Your sock yarn log cabin quilt, inspired by Mason-Dixon’s blankets. Every time you finish a pair of socks, you use the yarn to make another small square. One day, probably by 2050, the quilt will be finished – probably by a grandchild.

Knitting motto
Too many knits, not enough time.

Recommended book
The Gentle Art of Knitting by Jane Brocket.

Recommended website – yarns, notions, patterns and beauty all in one place.

Does this sound like you? Let us know in the comments!

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