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Announcing… Let’s Knot Magazine!

Announcing… Let’s Knot Magazine!

We’re excited to announce a new direction for your favourite mag…

After several years, we’re a-frayed that we have really covered all there is to know about knitting. We’re committed to bringing new skills and ideas to our readers, and what better way than a complete overhaul of everything you love about us?

By changing just one vowel, we can bring a whole new range of opportunities to you, our dearest readers. That’s why we hope that you enjoy Let’s Knot magazine as much as we do!

Be sure not to miss issue one of Let’s Knot this April for these amazing features:

- 101 knots we can’t live without, by Dr Mark Knutsson. Look out for a sneaky preview later today!
- What Knot to Wear. Knots are a huge fashion trend this April. Knots in your hair, knots in your scarves - you could even tie knots in the ends of your sleeves! (Let’s Knot is NOT responsible for losing the use of your hands as a result of following our advice.)
- Firemen vs Sailors. Who ties the best knot? We don’t know, but we can’t wait to take lots of pictures when we find out!
- What’s Hot & What’s Knot. In this case, the answer is both!
- Tying the Knot. Give your wedding a spectacular rope theme.
- Tutorials: The Classics. There’s no point in a knotting magazine that doesn’t show you how to knot!
- To Be or Knot to Be? It’s a bit like Shakespeare, but it’s better.

Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages all day for more fun tips and ideas!

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