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9 Ready-Made New Year’s Resolutions

9 Ready-Made New Year’s Resolutions

Get set for the new year with our great ideas!

It’s time to start thinking about your plans for 2019 - what will you pledge for the forthcoming year? Here are a few suggestions…

Switch off the TV and step back from social media - at least for a few hours a day. Use that time to embrace our favourite hobby. Find hundreds of project ideas in our free knitting pattern gallery!

We know we’re always telling you support your LYS and we really do mean it, but don’t forget about all those oddments you’ve got leftover from past projects. Team a brand new buy with one of your existing yarns for a contrasting colour or texture.

Whether you’re looking to give up smoking, snacking or anything else, knitting is the perfect distraction. It keeps your hands and mind busy, and believe us, finishing that next row is just as addictive and is better for your health!

Our sister site is THE place to discover knitting’s crafty cousin. There are hundreds of free patterns, stitch guides and how-to videos. Oh yeah!

Resolutions have to be realistic and if you’re anything like dep ed Adrienne, you’ve got a whole box filled with UFOs in various stages of completion. They won’t finish themselves, but chip away at that pile by working on one at a time.

Handicrafts like knitting are SO important for focussing your mind and zoning out from the stresses of everyday life. Simple repeating stitch patterns can have an almost meditative effect. Read more about how knitting can soothe your mind, body and soul.

We’ve lost count of how many people have told us they hate sewing up. Commit to weaving in your ends as you go. Yes, it means taking a break mid-knit but think how much time you’ll save at the end!

When someone says, “Can you just…?” there is one simple answer. Say no. We’re serious. You have worked so hard knitting Christmas decorations and gifts, it’s time to put yourself first!

We think that’s the best idea we’ve heard all day, go for it! Click to see what great offers we’ve got for you.

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