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11 Tips For Fool-Proof Christmas Knitting

11 Tips For Fool-Proof Christmas Knitting

Make sure your festive crafting is stress-free with our useful pointers

While Christmas is the time to eat, drink and be merry, it is also the time for knitting and giving. And that usually means that instead of walking in a winter wonderland, you and I are spending every spare waking minute handcrafting gifts for our nearest, dearest and anyone else who comes along. This year, avoid the usual Christmas panic with our 11 point guide.

1. Start now (if you haven’t already)

Christmas is coming. And it’ll be here before you know it. Avoid the Christmas Eve panic by making a start as soon as possible. It’s never too early.

2. Make a list…

Work out who you’d like to knit for. There are so many great patterns out there… and here too!

3. ...Check it twice

Is there anyone you’ve forgotten. Are you sure?

4. Plan

Will it be a scarf for Auntie Jean or maybe a hot water bottle cover? Don’t forget about stocking fillers for the little ones. Stay on track with our FREE printable planners.

5. Look at the calendar

Work out how many knitting days there are until Christmas, then divide that figure by the number of gifts you want to make. This will give you an average completion time per project to see if it’s achievable.

6. Have a plan B

You probably don’t need to make that double bed-sized throw for your old neighbour’s second cousin. Prioritise your nearest and dearest and streamline the list to make it more realistic.

7. Do your research

Find out what the recipient likes so you can choose yarns and colours. If your niece hates pink, your brother has sensitive skin and your cousin Julia has just gone vegan, you need to know now!

8. Know your skill set

This is not the time to be trying out that blind-folded knitting craze you saw on YouTube. Stick with techniques you know you are good at.

9. Visit your local yarn shop

It’s quicker than waiting for the post and you can feel the yarns and see the actual shades without worrying about the accuracy of your computer monitor.

10. Make your gift user-friendly

By that we mean, choose an easy-care yarn. Unless you know they’re likely to spend the time and care in handwashing your gift, don’t even risk it.

11. Don’t panic!

Careless knitting costs time. If you rush, you’ll only end up with sloppy work that you won’t be happy with and will have to unpick. Keep calm, follow your plan and enjoy your festive knits!

Do you have any other tips for Christmas knitting? Share them on our Facebook page!

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