Dottie (page 71)
On the Sleeves, the moss st instructions are incomplete. There should be an extra row, as folls:
Row 2: * p1, k1, rep from * to end
Aurelie (page 25)
The stitches for the Armhole borders, Pocket borders and Collar should all be cast off as opposed to being left on holders. Sew, rather than graft, these into position.
On the Collar, the rib is missing Row 2. This should read, p the k sts and k the p sts from prev row. Rep Rows 1 and 2 to work the rib
Gisela (21 Quick Knits) (page 16)
Where it says yarn B in the pattern, it should read yarn A. Most of the design is worked in Austermann Cool Cut Color (yarn A), and Austermann Cool Cut (yarn B) is introduced when you start the lace pattern.
In the Lace pattern, Rows 1 and 2 should be worked using yarn A, and Rows 3 and 4 should be worked using yarn B.
Eloise (21 QUICK KNITS) (page 9)
There are a couple of mistakes in this pattern.
Row 13 of the Right Edge should be worked as folls:
k4, (yfwd, skpo, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k1) twice, k2, turn
After the two sections have been rejoined. Row 18 (RS) should be worked as folls:
k4, (yfwd, skpo, k2tog, yfwd, k1) twice, kfb, k4, (yfwd, skpo, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k1) twice, k3. 37 sts