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Issue 53


Little Miss Olivia (booklet) (page 34)

On the Right Front Border, the last row should read:
"Rep last row until border meas same as Left Front Border, ending after a wrong side row, working buttonholes to correspond with the markers on the Left Front Border"


Tom Thumb (handknitted for baby) (page 16)

On the sleeves increase at each end of the row not just at the beginning as stated

Apologies for the error


Mirror (page 28)

After working Rows 35-42 of the Main chart, rep Rows 41 and 42 of Chart (RS and WS) until work mea 39 (45) cm

There is a typo in the Chart key, SKP should be sl 1, k1, psso.


Pierre (page 53)

Unfortunately a mistake has been made with the number of cast-on stitches, you should only cast on 42 stitches and not 60 as printed.
This will affect the number of base triangles, there should only be seven.
On the First row of blocks you will have six right-slanting diamonds and a triangle on each end.
On the Second row of blocks you will have seven left-slanting diamonds and no edge triangles.

Also, a digit has been missed off the length of the Side gusset and handle - it should measure 154cm.

We do apologise for the problems with this pattern.


Claire (page 72)

Rnd 2 should read:
4ch, (miss 1dc, 1htr in next dc, 2ch), rep five times, sl st to second ch, fasten off

On Rnd 3 for the Petals, you need to rep from * five times rather than four as stated.


Sophie (Handknitted for Baby) (page 26)

There have been a few issues with this pattern:
On the Left front, before starting the neck shaping you need to end on a RS row.

On the Right front, after your cast on row it should read:
Work 3 (5, 5, 7, 7, 7) rows inc one st at front edge...

On the Short sleeves, cont without shaping until Sleeve meas 3cm from start of st st

We apologise for the problems with this pattern


Sandra pattern (page 25)

Please ignore the square brackets in this pattern.

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