Ozzy, Piper and Blake (page 56)
Please find some clarifications and amendments to the Blake bootees pattern
Make two Right sole pieces in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Make two Left sole pieces in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Make one Right toe section in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Make one Left toe section in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Make two Back leg sections in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Make two Front leg sections in stocking stitch exactly like the Ozzy instructions.
Now make all of the Fisherman's Rib pieces as the Blake instructions state. You will now have a matching set of stocking stitch and Fisherman's Rib pieces for all sections apart from the soles. It is a good idea to label each piece as you knit it to keep track of which is which!
All of the stocking stitch pieces (apart from the soles) will be on the inside of the boots and the Fisherman's Rib pieces will be on the outside of the boots as all sections are double thickness.
To Make Up
Weave in all ends. Using one left and one right sole as templates, cut wadding slightly smaller than knitting.
Place soles with WS together and sandwich wadding between. Sew around edge of sole.
With WS together join the left toe stocking stitch section and the right toe Fisherman's rib section, matching shapings and oversewing edges.
Pin toe section, with Fisherman's rib side uppermost, to front edge of right sole and sew through all layers using backstitch.
With WS together place a Fisherman's rib back leg section (rib will run horizontally) on top of a (vertical) stocking stitch back leg section and sew together on all four edges.
Pin bottom edge of back leg section (Fisherman's rib side outermost) around heel of sole and sew to sole through all layers. Stitch row ends of toe section to sides of back leg section where they meet, forming a visible seam as shown. With WS together, sew front leg sections in same way as for back sections (Fisherman's rib horizontally on outside, stocking stitch vertically on inside). Pin one short edge of front leg section to the inside leg side of back leg section above toe section, and sew, continuing visible seam.
Neatly join lower edge of front leg section to top edge of toe section. Wrap remaining edge of front section over back leg, and sew in place. Attach buttons for decoration.
For the Left boot: with WS together join the right toe stocking stitch section and the left toe Fisherman's rib section, matching shapings and oversewing edges.
Complete the rest of the boot in the same way as the first, reversing the side that the flap and buttons are.
Horizon (page 16)
The yarn weight and meterage for Rowan Felted Tweed has been incorrectly printed in the Let's Shop panel. This yarn actually comes in 50g (175m) balls. The amounts given in the Knit Kit are correct.
Huron & Erie (free leaflet) (page 1)
The labels on the picture for Huron and Erie are the wrong way around. Huron is the scarf and Erie is the hat
Erie hat
After you have repeated Row 1 five times more decreasing one st on last row, change to 10mm needles before starting the pattern
Huron scarf
There is a yfwd missing on Row 1. It should read as folls:
Row 1 (RS): k1, * yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3, rep from * to last four sts, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k1
Nativity (page 41)
Shepherd's body
Row 35 has been number Row 33 by mistake. To keep the row counts correct, after Row 5 work 29 rows in stocking stitch, not 27
Mary's Veil
This should be worked in a similar way to the cap, therefore Row 1 should read:
kfb in each st to end. 12 sts
Jesus's head
The pattern should read as folls:
Row 12: (k1, k2tog) to end. 12 sts
Row 14: (k2tog) to end. 6 sts
Row 15: (p2tog) three times. 3 sts
Cut tail. Thread through rem stitches.