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Issue 44


Theo (baby book) (page 28)

On the Front Raglan Armhole and Neck Opening, when you divide for neck the kfb should be m1.
So it should read:
Next row: k1, k2tog, k24 (25, 26, 27), m1, k1, m1, k1, m1, k2, turn


Maggie (page 20)

The Left neck starts where you work to the centre 25 sts and turn. This leaves 29 (33, 36, 39) sts for the left neck.shoulder.
Next row (WS): p1, p2tog, work to end
Next row (RS): work to three sts before end, k2tog, k1

The next instruction - rep last two rows 6 (7, 7, 7) times - would not leave enough sts to finish shaping the shoulder. Instead you need to follow these two rows until you have decreased by 6 (7, 7, 7) sts leaving 21 (23, 25, 30) sts.
This error is repeated on the right neck


Arthur (baby book) (page 21)

On the Back for the first size, you should cont in Block patt for a further 12 rows, not 2 as printed


Alfie (page 67)

There is a slight misprint on the front legs:
After working nine rows in st st you will need to work the next row as (k2tog, k2) to end, to reach 24 sts.

Similarly on the back legs you will need to work k2, (k2tog, k2) to end, to reach 26 sts.


Frankie (baby book) (page 12)

Row 1 of the pattern for Frankie has accidentally been omitted. It should be worked as folls:

Row 1 (RS): p2 * k5, p2, rep from * end


Jolene (baby book) (page 17)

When shaping the sleeve top for the Short Sleeves, these need to be worked as for the Long Sleeves but AFTER the casting-off instructions.
You need to follow the Long Sleeve instructions beginning at "Work 2 (2, 4, 4, 6) rows dec one st..."

The first four rows of the completed short sleeves are sewn into the body to create a capped sleeve measuring approx 2cm.

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