Augusta (page 22)
In our Augusta mobius wrap, the stitches need to be twisted a full 360 degrees not 180 degrees as stated in the pattern
Leonora (page 18)
There has been some confusion in the sizing of this pattern as the dress sizes given have come out quite large.
Be sure to look closely at the measurements given rather than just going for your regular dress size.
If you are making the largest size, you may need an extra ball of yarn.
Daisy (page 12)
There is a misprint on the Back Work Bobble Daisies and Front First Bobble Daisy sections.
On both Row 2 currently reads: sl 1 kwise, p to last st, k1.
This should say patt to last st
This will be repeated on rows 4, 6, 8, etc.
Thanks to Christine Cooper for letting us know
Sway (page 32)
There has been a misprint in the Divide for Armhole instructions on the Left Front.
This section should read:
NOTE: keep patt correct and work as folls:
Next row: patt 56 (56, 60, 64, 68, 70) sts, place marker, cast off 46 (50, 56, 60, 64, 66) sts [one st rem on RH needle], patt 51 sts [shoulder edge]. 108 (108, 112, 116, 120, 122) sts
Next row: patt 52 sts, cast on 46 (50, 56, 60, 64, 66) sts, patt to end. 154 (158, 168, 176, 184, 188) sts
Then continue to Back