Elegant Summer Top (page 22)
On pattern Row 3 for the third size, omit the last C4F.
Lola (page 1)
When sewing up the Head and Body, add stuffing as you go.
Fast Flowers (page 77)
The images have been mixed up for the Daisy and the Cosmos.
The white flower is the Daisy and the pink flower is the Cosmos
Gone Fishing (page 16)
Rows 42-44 should be worked in st st, keeping the two-row stripe sequence correct.
You need to make two Front fins.
Country Cottage, Tulip Bud (page 84)
There is an error on Row 6. It should read:
k3 A, using yarn E k15, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, k1, (yfwd, skpo) twice, k15, k3 A