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Issue 05


Bobble bowl (page 41)

The instructions are missing for two rows of bobbles, it should read

Using yarn A, work rds 1 – 11 as for Beehive.
Rnd 12: (kfb, k5) eight times. 56 sts.
P three rnds
Rnd 16: (k6, kfb) eight times. 64 sts
P three rds.
Change to B

** Rnd 28: K
Rnd 29: (K3, MB) 16 times.
Change to A.
K one rnd
P three rnds
Change to B.**

Rep from ** to **, twice more.
Rnd 34: (k2, k2tog) 16 times. 48 sts.
Rnd 35: k1, (MB, k2) 15 times, MB, k1.
Change to A.
K one rnd
P three rnds
K one rnd,
P one rnd.
Cast off.

Push all the bobbles through to right side of bowl. Run in tails and felt as given. If any bobbles have moved to the inside, use the blunt end of a pencil to push them through to the outside before leaving the bowl to dry.


Montana (page 56)

Please ignore the following instruction before Shape Armhole:

Next row: (p2, k2) eight times, (p3,k3) 14 [15:16:16:17:18] times, p3, wrap one st, turn


Cutie (page 27)

The following is missing from the end of Row 7 - k1, psso, k1


Candy (page 12)

There is an error on the Sleeve instructions. The AT THE SAME TIME section should be worked whilst you are working in rib, as folls:

Using 4.5mm needles, cast on 48 (48, 52, 52, 56) sts in yarn B
>Change to yarn A
>Work in k2, p2 rib for 30.5 (30.5, 32, 32, 33)cm AT THE SAME TIME inc one stitch at each end of every sixth row until 70 (70, 76, 76, 80) sts - after you've finished increasing, just continue in rib until you've reached the correct measurement
>Change to st st and work a further 10cm ending on a p row. 40.5 (40.5, 42, 42, 43)cm in total.

Now continue from Shape armhole.

This is worked in k1 p1 rib - we have wrongly stated it as garter stitch!

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