Coral Crush (page 80)
There is a correction to the Back.
Change to 4mm needles
[] Row 1: k
[] Row 2: p **
These two rows set st st
[] Work 62 (62, 62, 62, 68, 68) rows more in st st
Continue to Shape armholes as instructed
Capri Sunrise (page 13)
There are corrections for the Eighth size (size 22)
Divide for Front Opening
[] Row 1: k66, cast off six sts, pm to mark new beg of rnd, k66 including last st from cast-off, pm, k138, sm (this now marks Left side), k66. 270 sts
[] Beg with a p row, work in st st without shaping for 8cm, ending after a p row
Armhole shaping
[] Row 1: k to first marker, place 66 sts just worked on holder for Right front, cast off 11 sts, k to next marker, place last 66 sts on holder for Left front. 127 sts
Work as instructed adding two stitches to final stitch count on each row.
For example:
[] Row 2: cast off 11 sts pwise, p to end. 116 sts
[] Row 3 (RS): k1, ssk, k to three sts before end, k2tog, k1. 114 sts
When you divide for the back neck, k 51 sts, then place 41 on the holder. This will ensure your back neck is central
Neck shaping
Work as instructed, adding one stitch to final stitch count.
For example:
[] Row 1: cast off 4 sts, k to end. 37 sts
[] Row 2: cast off eight sts pwise, p to end. 29 sts
This means you will finish with five stitches before casting off.
Right & Left fronts
Rejoin the yarn to 66 sts and add one to final stitch count on each row, including sections where you are decreasing on one edge only.
For example:
[] Dec at neck edge only on every RS row until 21 sts rem
[] Cont to dec at neck edge on every fourth row 4 times. 17 sts
You will now finish with five sts before casting off, so the fronts will match the Back