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Issue 79


Barmouth headscarf (page 52)

Headband main pattern, Row 8 should read:
Row 8: as Row 6 (not as Row 7)


Sporty Baby Trainers (page 29)

On the Top Cap, Row 1 should be worked as folls:

[] Row 1: 1ch, 1dc in same place, 10 (12, 14) dc. This will give you your 11 (13, 15) stitches.


Rosanna (page 16)

We have been informed that the stitch counts are inconsistent after you divide for Front and Back.The Front borders are worked in rib, not garter stitch as stated.

We are very sorry for the problems in this pattern. Please find new instructions below:

Divide for fronts and back
[] Next row: k29, place these 29 sts on to a holder for Right front, cast off next eight sts [one st on RH needle], k61, place these 62 sts on to a holder for Back, cast off eight sts [one st on RH needle], k28
Cont on these 29 sts only for Left front
[] Next row: p

Shape raglan
[] Work six rows in st st dec one st at armhole edge on every row. 23 sts
[] Work 23 rows in st st dec one st at armhole edge on next and every foll alt row. 11 sts

[pattern header small] Shape neck
[] Next row: cast off four sts, p to end. Seven sts
[] Work as instructed to end

Transfer sts from holder on to needle, with WS facing, rejoin yarn to 62 sts for Back
[] Next row: p

Shape raglan
[] Work six rows in st st, dec one st at each end of every row. 50 sts
[] Work 28 rows in st st, dec one st at each end of next and foll alt row. 22 sts
[] Cast off

Transfer stitches from holder on to needle, with WS facing, rejoin yarn to 29 sts for Right front
[] Next row: p

Shape raglan
[] Work six rows in st st, dec one st at armhole edge on every row. 23 sts
[] Work 22 rows in st st, dec one st at armhole edge on next and every foll alt row. 12 sts

[pattern header small] Shape neck
[] Next row: cast off four sts, k to last two sts, k2tog. Seven sts
[] Work as instructed to end

Join raglan seams
[] Using 3.25mm needles, yarn A and with RS facing, pick up and k 67 sts evenly along front edge
[] Work five rows in 1x1 rib
[] Next row (buttonhole): rib to last six sts, yfwd, patt2tog, rib 4
[] Work two rows in rib
[] Cast off

[] Using 3.25mm needles, yarn A and with RS facing, pick up and k 67 sts evenly along front edge
[] Work eight rows in rib
[] Cast off

[] Using 3.25mm needles, yarn B, with RS facing, beg at centre of Right front border, pick up and k 14 sts evenly along right side of neck, nine sts from top of right Sleeve, 22 sts from back of neck, nine sts from top of left Sleeve and 14 sts evenly along left side of neck, ending at centre of Left front border. 68 sts
[] Next row: p23, pfb in next st, (p2, pfb in next st) seven times, p23. 76 sts

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