Multiway Wrap (page 64)
Unfortunately there is a typo in the third bullet point of the buttonhole instructions.
It should read: sl one st from RH needle to LH needle, k2tog, k3
Robbie Robin (Festive Knits) (page 5)
There is a correction for the feet. Rows 1-4 are correct, then work as folls:
Row 5: cast on three sts at start of row (six sts on needle), cast off five sts. One st
Row 6: cast on two sts at beg of row (three sts)
Transfer these sts to a dpn for i-cord legs
Westfarthing (Festive Knits) (page 38)
The mitts have been mis-labelled. The instructions for the Right mitt are actually for the Left mitt and vice versa. When rejoining the yarn for the thumb, this is Row 37, not 41 as stated. The wrapped stitch is also at the beginning of the thumb stitches.
There is also an error on the Sewn cast off instructions. The tapestry needle needs to be passed through the first two sts from right to left. Then passed back through the first st on the LH needle from left to right.
Derek (page 17)
You need to work two pieces for the body and legs. These two halves are then stitched together.