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Issue 177


Triangles and Circles Jumper (page 19)

Shape sleeve top
After working three rows the next row should be six times not four times as folls:
[] Next row: rep last four rows six times 34 (36, 38, 40, 42)


Cat and Mouse Scarf (page 57)

Cast off (instead of fasten off)


Christmas Stocking (page 47)

On Rows 38 and 40, the initial p1A should be outside of the bracket.
Row 1 of the foot section should be worked as follows:
K 19 sts on one holder, pick up and k 18 sts along side of heel, k 20 sts of heel flap, pick up and k 18 sts along other side of heel flap, k rem 19 sts from other holder. This will give 94 sts


Webster the Penguin (page 35)

After Row 36, the next row has been accidentally misnumbered as 40 but there are no missing instruc-tions
NOTE: the finished body is made up of a white Front and base, and black Back and Cowl. These pieces need to be married up and stretched slightly to fit together

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