Diamond Cables Sweater (page 16)
Special abbreviation
CR1B: sl next five sts onto cn, hold at back of work, k1, [p4, k1] from cable needle
The row should then be completed by working Row 7 of the Diamond Panel, not Row 2, as folls:
[] Row 7: k4, p3 (7, 11, 16, 20, 24), [CR1F, work Row 7 of Diamond Panel across next 20 sts] twice, CR1B, work Row 7 of Diamond Panel across next 20 sts, CR1B, p to last four sts, k4
Meet Victoria & Albert (page 67)
Missing pattern for Leg and foot:
Leg and foot (make two)
Using 3.75mm needles and yarn A, cast on ten sts
[] Next row: p to end
[] Next row: * k1, kfb, rep from * to end. 15 sts
[] Next row: p to end
[] Next row:* k1, kfb, rep from * to last st, k1. 22 sts
[] Next row: p to end
[] Next row: kfb, k to last st, kfb. 24 sts
[] Next row: p to end
[] Rep last two rows once more. 26 sts
[] Beg with a k (RS) row, work 18 rows in st st
[] Next row: k9, (kfb) eight times, k9. 34 sts
[] Beg with a p (WS) row, work nine rows in st st
[] Next row: (k2tog) to end. 17 sts
[] Next row: p to end
[] Next row: (k2tog) eight times, k1. Nine sts
[] Next row: (p2tog) four times, p1. Five sts
[] Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off