Teddy Cushion (Relaxing Knits booklet) (page 16)
On the Right Ear, the rows have been numbered incorrectly after Row 44. There's nothing missing but they should be numbered like this:
Row 45: sk2po, k7. 8 sts
Row 46: sk2po, k5. 6 sts
Rows 47-49: knit
Cast off
Little Rascals (leaflet) (page 1)
After changing to yarn A on the Head, the row-numbering is incorrect. Please adjust the numbers accordingly.
Cool Crossover (page 67)
Here is the abbreviation for MB
MB – make bobble: (k1, yfwd, k1) in one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, p3, turn, k3, pass the second stitch over the first stitch, then the third stitch over the first stitch on the right needle
New Leaves (page 39)
You need to cast on 90 stitches for this pattern.
The abbreviations for the yarn over increases have been muddled. Please work yfwd between two knit stitches, yon between a purl and a knit, and yrn between two purl stitches and also between a knit and purl stitch.
Stitch Simple (page 72)
On the Back, Row 4 is missing and should be the same as Row 3.
There is also a line missing at the very beginning of the Shape shoulders section on the Back.
It should say:
Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) sts at beg of next 18 (6, 32, 22, 14) rows, then 4 (4, 0, 5, 5) sts at beg of foll 14 (26, 0, 10, 18) rows. 71 (71, 79, 81, 83) sts
Shape back neck as folls: