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Self-striping Baby Blanket Knitting Pattern

Self-striping Baby Blanket

  • Difficulty


  • Yarn Type

    Yarn Type

    Chunky / Bulky

  • designer


    Jo Allport

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size


  • Needle Type

    Needle Type


  • Techniques


    knit, Lace, Purl

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What you need to know

Treat a little one to Jo Allport’s chunky blanket

Let the yarn do the colourwork, while you have a go at subtle texture and pretty lace. The main pattern is made up of alternating knit and purl stitches over a 14-row repeat. The edging then uses increases and decreases to create a lovely lacy scallop effect. Don’t worry, we’ll talk you through all the different techniques. This blanket is the perfect size for babies or even as a lap-blanket for adults.

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

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