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Festive Child’s Scarf Knitalong: Part 2
Festive Child’s Scarf Knitalong: Part 2

Festive Child’s Scarf Knitalong: Part 2

Designer: Tina Barrett

  • SIZE

    First and second parts: 7cm x 96cm

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What you need to know

Last week you started making the first part of your jolly Christmas scarf for kids. Don’t worry if you missed out – download Part 1 from the Let’s Knit Together website. This week, use your yarn stash to make three more colourwork panels. They are a great opportunity to practise your Fair Isle and intarsia skills. Use the charts to help you work your designs, or why not create your own using graph paper?

As always, your community loves to hear about your progress each week, so share any pictures on the private Facebook group!

Tina Barrett

Tina Barrett


"Use any colours from your yarn stash to make a sweet festive scarf for a child that they can cherish year after year"

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  • Project information

    Yarn DK
    Yarn Colours : DK, shades (A) Green, (B) Red, (C) Yellow, (D) Black, (E) Beige, (F) White, one 20g ball of each
    Needles 3.7mm
    Additional Tapestry needle
  • About the designer

    Tina Barrett

    Tina Barrett

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