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Drapey Shawl Knitting Pattern

Drapey Shawl

  • Difficulty


  • Yarn Type

    Yarn Type

    4 ply / Fingering / Sock / Sport

  • designer


    Charmaine Fletcher

  • Needle Size

    Needle Size

    US 3 / 3.25mm, US 5 / 3.75mm, US 6 / 4.0mm

  • Needle Type

    Needle Type

    Straight, Circular

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What you need to know

See things differently embraced in Charmaine Fletcher’s drapey shawl

Long fringing and just three buttons transform what is already a knock-out wrap into a fabulously versatile cover-up – it’s almost too good for the beach! With the buttons to the front, contemplate gazing into a crystal ball; lay the buttons along one shoulder, and you’re transported to a Grecian island; or conceal them within the folds and throw over your shoulder to waft through the evening crowds. The fabulous fringing is also in the graduated shades, and is achieved by undoing live stitches in the making up.

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