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Here are some additional pattern updates

Most of our pattern updates can be found here, but there are a few that have yet to be updated. Please find them below. We do apologise for any errors.

LK 147 AUGUST 2019
Teddy Bear Romper, page 66

Once the Back measures 18 (21) cm, work the Shape Top section as given for the Front, then instead of casting off, work the Strap section.

Lace Pocket Cardigan, page 18

On the fronts, when switching to the Main Section, it should read “These two rows set st st and cont lace patt”
To finish the pockets, work as follows:
Rejoin yarn to pocket sts on holder
[] K three rows
[] Cast off
Sew edges of pockets to fronts

Covermount leaflet
Riley the Badger: Rows 6-11 of the Head are worked in st st
Ash the Fox: There are corrections to the Body -
Row 22: [(k1, k2tog, three times, k1] C, [(k2tog, k1) three times] A, [(k2tog, k1) three times, k2tog] C.
Row 28: [k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog] C, [(k1, k2tog) twice] A, [k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1] C. 14 sts


Laurie the Winter Doll, page 72

On the Poncho Divide For Opening section, after turning, the pattern should read:
[] Next row: k3, p17
[] Next row: k to end
[] Next row: k3, p17
[] Rep last two rows six times more
Continue as instructed, fastening the toggles with loops of yarn


Santa kit
Use 3mm needles throughout


Last-minute make, page 111
For the Right Shoe, cast on 33 sts using 3.25mm needles


LK 151 NOVEMBER 2019
Mr Munchy, booklet

The Legs should say:
[] Rows 39-45: cont in st st
[] Row 46: (k3, k2tog) to end. 12 sts
[] Row 48: (k2tog) to end. Six sts
[] Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off


LK 152 DECEMBER 2019
Cape Style Cardigan, page 16

There are corrections to the increases:
[] Row 2 (inc): work Row 2 of Eyelet Mock Cable Rib across 12 sts, k0 (0, 1, 1), m1, sm, k1, m1, k to one st before marker, m1, k1, sm, m1, k to marker, m1, sm, k1, m1, k to one st before marker, m1, k1, sm, m1, k0 (0, 1, 1), work Row 2 of Eyelet Mock Cable Rib. 70 (70, 74, 74) sts
[] Row 3: cont in Eyelet Mock Cable Rib across Front sts, p across rest of row slipping all markers
[] Row 4: cont in Eyelet Mock Cable Rib across Front sts, k across rest of row slipping all markers
[] Cont as set, working Eyelet Mock Cable Rib on both fronts and inc eight sts on every Row 2, working another patt rep on each front every time you have increased five sts, until there are 222 (239, 250, 258) sts, ending after a Row 2



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