Get everything you need to make this incredible project with kits from Baa Baa Brighouse!
Have you heard about Kaffe Fassett’s mystery knitalong using Rowan Pure Wool Worsted? We’re itching to see what designs the knitting genius has come up with!
Known for his stunning use of colour, the afghan is sure to be a big hit. But if we don’t know what it looks like yet, what do we know?
Well, we know that the afghan can be knitted in four different colourways (brown, pastel, red and turquoise), and that it uses nine squares, each knitted seven times. And knowing Kaffe’s previous work, they are sure to be stunning! Starting tomorrow (1st October 2014), one square pattern will be released free from every week, so make sure you keep a close eye on social media!
If knitting a 133cm x 171cm afghan sounds like biting off a little more than you can chew, patterns are also available for a cushion and bolster pillow at 57cm x 57cm and 114cm x 57cm respectively. And if it’s technical skills you’re worried about, then fear not – Sarah Hatton will be providing useful video tutorials.
The shopping list is available to browse at your leisure so if you’ve already chosen your favourite palette, why not order the yarn from Yorkshire-based online store, Baa Baa Brighouse? The website is offering a special deal of £21 for three balls of Pure Wool Worsted, or special kits for the knitalong beginning at £70 for the cushion!
All that’s left now is to sit by the computer and wait for that first square…
Are you taking part in the knitalong? Let us know in the comments, or get in touch on Facebook and Twitter!