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Competition: Alternative Reader’s Makes

Competition: Alternative Reader’s Makes

Win a bumper bundle of knitty goodies in our special Readers’ Makes competition!

Here at Let’s Knit, we love to see our readers taking our patterns and really making them their own. That’s why we were happy to see our followers on Facebook embellishing our current free gift, Betty the baby bonnet!

With this in mind, we’re doing an extra special Readers’ Makes competition, and we’re encouraging you to get creative. Perhaps you would like to use your yarn for another project entirely? Or you want to make the bonnet with stripes? Or spots? Let your imaginations run wild, and you could be in with a chance of winning a bumper stash of knitting goodies, plus there’s FIVE free subscriptions to Let’s Knit for the runners up!

All you have to do is adapt your free kit and to suit you, then send us your pics via email, Facebook or Twitter. And if you need a little inspiration, here in the Let’s Knit office we’ve been getting a little creative ourselves …

If you are still a fan of baby makes – but not the bonnet look – then why not try these adorable baby bootees by Susie Johns from our December 2012 issue? Even you don’t have a baby to knit for, there are always plenty of charities which welcome donations of handknitted items. Find the pattern here.

Check them out in Autumn Mist, knitted by Editorial Assistant Kerry over a couple of lunchtimes and a cheesy romantic comedy!

If baby patterns aren’t your thing, why not try amigurumi? The Japanese crochet technique is quick and easy to learn, and working in the round requires minimal sewing up. Editorial Assistant Amy has been practising her skills with a hook by making Sunny and Marco, the adorable critters from our sister mag Let’s Get Crafting, which are ideal in grey. Best of all, you can now find the patterns for free on our site here!

The best thing about amigurumi is that you can make almost anything. Once you have the basic technique down, you can keep adapting to create all sorts of wonderful creatures. Here’s a little free-hand bunny by Deputy Editor Adrienne! Why not try making an elephant, a rhinoceros or an owl?

Finally, if you love Betty the bonnet, but would prefer an alternative colour, there’s nothing stopping you from trying it out in any DK yarn from your stash. Take a look at Adrienne’s version in UK Alpaca Superfine DK, embellished with a little embroidery in Autumn Mist.

Or why not make a flower instead? Learn how to crochet one here.

As you can see – the options are endless! What did you make with your free yarn? Remember to let us know so you can win lots of goodies!

CLOSING DATE: Friday 6 September 2013

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