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Issue 21


Leo (page 40)

On Rnds 82-85 of the Foot, the instruction for Needles 1 and 2 should read "rep to end of Needle 2" not Needle 3

On the Toe you are asked to repeat the last two rounds until 18 sts remain but as you are decreasing by four on each row, your last decrease row would leave you with 16 sts


Tansy (page 24)

We now believe that 12 balls are required to make the biggest size, instead of 10 as originally stated.
Thanks to everyone who got in touch to let us know


Flora (page 30)

When working the 16 row pattern repeat you are instructed to
AT THE SAME TIME dec one st at each end of every foll eighth row.

To avoid confusion this should say dec at each end of every foll Row 8


Bones (page 50)

There appear to some instructions missing for the first part of the hand. It should read:
Work 15 rnds, knitting all sts
Commence rows 1-15 of chart


Mila (page 26)

The bag is worked in garter stitch (k all rows) so the reference to stocking stitch (st st) in the pattern is a misprint.

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