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Beginner Crochet Party Balloons Pattern crochet Pattern

Beginner Crochet Party Balloons Pattern

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What you need to know

Christine Harvey’s crocheted project puts a fun, modern twist on the classic party balloon.

You’ll find two patterns below, each creating a different shape balloon in order to add a bit of variety to your display piece. If you’ve fallen as in love with this set as we have, why not use yarn from your stash to work it up in several colourways and then position the sets at various points throughout the room?

Exciting news for all crochet enthusiasts! Top Crochet Patterns has joined the Let’s Knit Together family and you can now access over 750 beautiful crochet patterns alongside over 3,000 knitting patterns as part of your membership. You can explore our full range of diverse crochet patterns here:

What do I need?

Yarn, DK: raspberry pink, pale pink, biscuit, soft peach
Hook, 5mm
Wooden skewers
Toy stuffing


Balloons (incl. stick): approx 29cm tall

Top crochet tip

This project uses the magic ring method, so-called because it creates an adjustable ring that can be secured shut if you pull on the tail of the yarn.

Meet the designer

Christine Harvey is just one of our talented Let's Knit Together designers. To see more of Christine's patterns, visit here. If you enjoyed making her balloon set, we think you'll love knitting these baby trainers next.

How to access this pattern

This pattern is available to Let’s Knit Together Members. Memberships start from as little as £4.99 a month (when paid annually) and you will gain access not only to this pattern, but 3,000+ more knitting and crochet patterns to keep you inspired and casting on all year round. Join our friendly community of knitters and crochet enthusiasts today.

Don't forget to save your PDFs to your computer or tablet device as soon as it has been downloaded.

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